We want to congratulate our 12 youth state champions for the 2017-2018 season! These young athletes are some of the hardest working in the country and deserve the same level of recognition and respect as their high school peers. We are excited to be working with more and more youth athletes every year, helping to educate them on healthy eating habits as well as eating for performance. Youth wrestlers should always be focused on establishing healthy lifestyle choices that allow them to focus on technical training and a positive outlook on the sport. Congratulations on a tremendous season guys and keep up the hard work!

Ty Valenzuela
Austin Westbrook
Hunter Mays
New York:
Nick Fea
South Carolina:
Max Yegge
New Jersey:

Jarod Schoope
Justin Onello
Alex Nini
Ben Shue
Matt Henrich
Aiden Wallce
Daniel Wask